On genius phone notes and other forgotten ideas

This is a non-complete list of the (brilliant!) things I’ve noted in my phone while riding the subway. Rather then let them wither and die, I will at least present them as a litany, and perhaps be inspired to expand. Drum roll please to the amazing blog posts that I will someday write…

  1. On the satisfaction of listing items in an imaginary kitchen
  2. On what they don’t tell you about starting your own business
  3. On the strange effect of being in nature
  4. On people who say if you hate capitalism then you can’t use a computer
  5. On dance like no one’s looking and other bullsh*t greeting cards
  6. On wearing a big diamond in the 21st century
  7. On that time I worked as a church secretary
  8. On explaining 21st century condoms to my dad (aka internet privacy settings)
  9. On the ruse that millenials are lazy and self-entitled
  10. On why the f*** no one taught me about natural birth control
  11. On bicycling to Russia
  12. On “You can be anything” and other lies my parents told me
  13. On the circus font fetish
  14. On waiting in line at the bar and other problems with Portland

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