This is a non-complete list of the (brilliant!) things I’ve noted in my phone while riding the subway. Rather then let them wither and die, I will at least present them as a litany, and perhaps be inspired to expand. Drum roll please to the amazing blog posts that I will someday write…
- On the satisfaction of listing items in an imaginary kitchen
- On what they don’t tell you about starting your own business
- On the strange effect of being in nature
- On people who say if you hate capitalism then you can’t use a computer
- On dance like no one’s looking and other bullsh*t greeting cards
- On wearing a big diamond in the 21st century
- On that time I worked as a church secretary
- On explaining 21st century condoms to my dad (aka internet privacy settings)
- On the ruse that millenials are lazy and self-entitled
- On why the f*** no one taught me about natural birth control
- On bicycling to Russia
- On “You can be anything” and other lies my parents told me
- On the circus font fetish
- On waiting in line at the bar and other problems with Portland