I’m a big fan of lists. I make them all the time, and sometimes, I end up writing the same things down, over and over, and think, hmm. Maybe there’s something here? Here’s the list of things I have decided – over and over through the years – make for an absolutely great morning. I wonder what would happen if I actually did them every single day?
1) Up by 7:15. Ideally. If you don’t need to be up early, still get up by 9 am. Anything after that feels like a lost day.
2) Drink green tea. Keep water hot for black tea or coffee after.
3) 15 minutes of exercise. Three sun salutes, five minutes jumping jacks/push ups, five minutes of silent meditation.
4) Smell the air and stand in the sun or stare at sky. Even if you don’t plan to or need to leave the house, open a window or step outside for one minute.
5) Take a shot of apple cider vinegar and eat a date. There are a lot of virtues to both of these. Google it.
6) Journal for 20 minutes. You can drink that black tea or coffee as you journal.
7) Make a list of things to do that day. Prioritize it and make note of: most avoided, most inspired, most easy. At least do those.
8) Take a quick shower. Burn incense and keep lights off – music is a great plus.
9) Get dressed. Even if not going out, put on pants (!) and spritz yourself with an aromatherapy spritzer – wakes you up!
10) Eat breakfast. My go to is a banana and orange smoothie and two pieces of toast cut into four. Your choice of sweet and savory options (honey, nutella, jam, cashew butter, avocado, etc.)