My Bike Got Stolen and Now CBS’s Marc Liverman Wants to Know What I Want. It’s Not a New Bike.

“But…What do you want?” Marc from Florida with the big brown eyes asks again, leaning in with practiced authenticity.

Three days ago, I wrote a blog post about my bicycle getting stolen. The next day Allison Klein from the Washington Post called and asked if she could publish it. Today, Marc from Florida (who happens to be the local NYC CBS affiliate), Katie from Good Morning America, and a very persistent lady from the CBC (in Canada!) all wanted to run stories.

I’m flattered.  I’ve got to admit, I thought my 15 seconds of fame would be the disco ball at my tequilla infused funeral pre-party, but hey – I’ll take what I can get. The rest of me can’t help wondering:

Really guys? It was a bicycle and a cardboard sign. Aren’t there more worthy do-gooders and unsolved problems in the world?

Or is that the problem –  that the positive stories usually feature epic saviors in foreign places, desensitizing us to the role we all play in making the world a better place?

Or is this what’s right with people? That we are fundamentally moved by small acts of kindness, like a short-circuit in the human brain for joy?

And then there’s a bit of sadness – if we are hard-wired for joy, then why is a hand-painted sign and a knock on a neighbor’s door and the act of giving a stranger $200 so spectacular?

Why doesn’t it happen more?

Mark met me outside P.S. 8 on my lunch break. Today I am a substitute art teacher, and a spot on the nightly news. He keeps pushing:

No really. What do I want?

That is a very good question, Marc.

My ego thoughts are – well, shit, maybe folks should know that I’ve got $9,000 in student loans they could help pay off, and that I love the Strategist and totally want the Baggu bag and the Stan Smith sneakers and even the Peugeot. And I’d really like a job where I get paid to write and meet strange and interesting people every day for approximately $75,000 (because I hear that’s enough). Oh yeah, and I want justice, and I want it now.

But that’s not why I wrote my sign.

I wrote my sign because I want acknowledgement.

There is so little acknowledgement and so much loss these days that it’s disturbing. I routinely turn myself off to others needs because I can’t fix it all. The news is a daily catalogue of losses. We used to have net neutrality, health care, and a working subway system – now we don’t. We used to champion society over militarism – now we don’t. I’m tired of feeling like an emotional rag-doll, tossed between causes extolling me to “care.” I can’t fix it I just know it’s wrong.

Acknowledge it.

I feel powerless.

I used to have a bicycle and now I don’t.

So, Marc from Florida who anchors the New York nightly news, what I really want is not for my hashtag to take off (!?), but for the idea behind it to take off. I want people to acknowledge each other.

I want people to look into each others big, brown eyes.

I want people to do what they can.

I want humanity to breathe a little.

PS – Are you into paying kindness forward? That’s what #realtinytrumpet is all about, making a little noise for good in a very loud world. Share your tiny acts of kindness with me on Instagram or Twitter and let’s keep the inspiration flowing.


  1. Michael Ferron

    Dear Amanda,
    Maybe your name helps (worthy of love, Latin) but I think your action pushes people’s do-good button. It made me think of my youth, Amsterdam the 1960’s, my sister was one of the hippies and, as opposed to your hipsters, they denounced material wealth in search for the spiritual. The Provo-movement came up with the White-bikes-plan. The idea was to restrict cars and have white bikes galore without locks for everyone to use and leave behind at your destination. It worked for a while but it was too anarchistic for it’s time and government shut it down. I’m hopeful seeing your youngsters speak up and maybe vote for a gentler future world where people respect each other and each other’s property. Have a great bike live ! Michael.

  2. Marilyn Chavez-Cubela

    Your story moved me this Easter morning as I sit an enjoy my coffee. Seems out of bad, comes goodness. I love your spirit! Don’t ever lose it:)
    So happy you’ve made a difference.
    Marilyn from Miami

  3. Allison Churchill

    Hi! I write for Guideposts and its other magazines, and we would like to feature this story in the Earning Their Wings section of our Angels on Earth magazine. Every issue is full of stories about humans being good humans. Could you send me an email at so I can fully explain how we would put a spotlight on the great people this brought into your world? Thanks!

  4. Barbara

    I was so touched by your story, I’ve read it again and again.I also acknowledge the empathy of people like the ones who rang your bell and offered help. I wish there were more people in this world who cared. It’s a wish I have written down years ago in my treasured thoughts notebook.

    Although for your unfortunate event, I found your blog and will be following it.
    By the way, I was born in Brooklyn NY.

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